
What is Treehouse?


A common meeting place where people are known to act a fooland get wild. Foolin' is another popular activity among those that gather here.

Yo, come on up to the Treehouse and act a foo with all yo cousins.

See Big E


1.A place where homosexual activities take place while wearing isotoner slippers and drinking V8 splash.

When you get to the treehouse drop trou and I'll suck the black off your cock.

See nigger, jimmy, go-kart, klondike, v8, milk, pudding


Smoking a lot of weed then getting high, mashed out your face.

im out of my tree from smoking all this weed

See Bob Marley


A name of a special breed of weed, pot, marijuana (ECT.)

It's THC content is very high.

Dude that treehouse Fucked me UP!

See weed, pot, marijuana, dope, kush


When you are mashed out your face from smoking weed.

Im out of my treehouse from smoking all this weed

See Bob Marley


a dwelling for those with poopy diapers

Ian has a poopy diaper.


The home of retards

Those that live in the treehouse, have mental handicaps.


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