What is Trim The Sails?
Surgically reduce the size of salient lumphinnans on a lady's banana boat .
Given the chance to TRIM THE SAILS, Audrey became noisily ecstatic . A major prize winner on TV's Liveroulette show, she could now afford to curtail her curtains and achieve her lifetime ambition of apt containment , with a $10,000 private clopper ation performed by Dr Doris Phud , the best plastic surgeon in the South .
See downsizing , down under , neath , salient , carnal , clipper , poona , schooner , gusset , gondola , snip-snips , lips , inner , thinner , less , lettuce , inch , off , cut , cunit , clip , clam , shrink , chink , slim , quim , minge , reduce , puss , narrow , furrow , smaller , horses collar , parfait , result , parts , feel , fresh , gloria , aura , hole , halo , heaven below , in the pink , sibilance , celebration , satisfaction , Persson
Given the chance to TRIM THE SAILS,