
What is Troglodyte?


A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.

You're such a troglodyte you probably think Milli Vanilli is actually singing!

See VW


cave dweller, one who exists within the caverns and shafts

I am an advanced model of the non-crucified christ with the a female upgrade on two sides

See trouble


1). A cave-dweller, someone who lives in a cave.

2). Insult used by Captain Haddock from the Tintin series.

1). Don't go in that cave! You might get attacked by the Troglodyte!

2). Blistering Barnacles Tintin! That Yeti was a right old Troglodyte!

See cave, hermit, human


A boot lipped, crotch grabbing monkey who if they can't eat, drink or fuck something is not interested in it.

Mustafah is such a troglodyte; He has to bear down on the push-to-talk button to get a word out!

See neanderthal, ape, monkey, nigger


Someone of not particularly pretty appearance

She's a bit of a Troglodyte


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