What is Trogma?
referred to the unkown hero of the late trojan-enz brand condom. Best understood by his facestious remarks commonly retaining to various life lessons in order to dwindle ones self confidence, essentially gaining a belief ensuring his popularity for unkown purposes.
If you have seen or have witnessed his presence in any situation or heard a line that is not in 'examples' listed please comment on this definition.
trogma - "im old enough to be you father...wait a minute, i am your father"
trogma - "helloooo, McFlyyyY!"
trogma - "youd give an aspirin a headache"
unknown - "trogma, u alright?"
trogma - "no, im half left."
trogma - "your as sharp as a bowling ball"
trogma - "what happened to him, he fall ouuta a tree rakin leaves?"
trogma - "hey your voice is gettin deeper, you must be gettin taller!"