
What is Troppo?


mad angry lost the plot. usually associated with the tropics or hot weather. similar to road rage

also similar to postal but not as extreme.

what's his problem?

he's gone troppo mate


TROPPO means "too much" in italian. An italian who has overindulged in a plate of tortelloni may say "Ho mangiato troppo," which translates to "I have eaten too much." Troppo can be used to describe anything that is "too much" or "over the top" such as an outfit, or drinking in excessed (see verb form, TROPPED)

examples of using TROPPO in conversation include:

1. Her outfit is TROPPO! (in reference to someone wearing something excessive or heinous...or just TOO MUCH)

2. Dude, I got TROPPED last night. (in refference to drinking TOO MUCH)

3. That guy is TROPPO. He will never shut up. (in reference to someone who bothers or annoys you, or is TOO MUCH to handle.)

See too much, wasted, annoying


Suggests that one has caught a disease while visiting the tropics and has subsequently gone insane.

"HA! The fuzzy cheese is mine! All mine!"

"'ve gone troppo, haven't you?"

See crazy, loony, loco, nuts


short for tropical ulcer of the kind that you get in places like darwin

i cut myself last week and now it's gone troppo!


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