Tus My Gits

What is Tus My Gits?


Short for "Touch My Gits".

You can probably guess what " Gits" means, anyways.

This is similar to saying "Kiss My Ass", but only works for girls... or really whacked up sick-minded guys... or in the rare case, a genderless flying squirrel sub-species that depends on survival completely through asexual reproduction.

It can be used in a variety of different ways, to portray different emotional states or feelings.


Used in a "piss off" sort of tone:

Wrathmar: Hello frieeeeennnd! Can I interest you in letting me slurp some of that Chocolate Chunk Iced Frappucino?

Twik: no lolololoooool

Wrathmar: Jerk.

Twik: tus my gits

Wrathmar: You don't even have those... o_o


Used in a more "happy" tone:

Katie: -glomp-

Xero: -gigaglomp-

Katie: -glomptackle-

Xero: You seem pretty happy today.

Katie: Yesh.

Xero: ... How much coffee have you drank?

Katie: TMG.

Xero: OKAY!


See tmg, tus, my, gits, tus my gits


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