What is Twirp?
A Man/Woman unable to adapt to normal sociaty, preforming random acts of annoyince, living in seclusion in trees or in bushes, under rocks etc.
Stop poking me with that stick u goddamn little twirp, go eat some bugs in your cave
Person who does stupid shit and thinks that it is funny.
That Fulcrum is a fucking twerp.
A celebrity or just plain douche that uses twitter very little to join the fad and calls them self a nerd or a geek for using twitter and then laughs it off thus amusing them self and insulting nerds, geeks, and the whole serious twitter community all at the same time. Often are
A Twirp commonly brings up the fact they use twitter at inappropriate times to make themselves feel hip and interesting. sometimes, Twirps are older
Joe: Dude, you know that old cougar whos at the bar all the time got a twitter?
Bob: Yeah man, she said she was a nerd cuz she like twatted once!
Joe: Damn what an old, dried up Twirp!
Acronym for high school Sadie Hawkins dance. "The Woman Is Required to Pay"
Girl: Will you go to TWIRP with me?
Boy: No I don't go to dance with ugly girls
A person who farts in their own bathwater.
From Kurt Vonnegut - the writer.
One who commences to excessive and overly audible flatulence in a public facility for his/her own gratification.
I was taking a shit in stall number two, but much to my dismay, there was a twirp in stall number three who farted loudly all throughout my stay.
One who farts in the bathtub and eats the bubbles.
Man, that John is a twirp.