What is Tyler Griffin?
1.(v.) When somebody races someone, and does not notify the other "participant" that a race is happening.
2. (n.) One who pervasively lies about owning a car that is much better than their own.
3. (n.) One who worships American muscle and hates "rice burners", but owns a car that has more "ricer" material on it.
4. (n.) One who fits all of the above.
1. Top Dog: Man, you're ass got toasted in that race.
Other driver: We were racing? Don't pull a Tyler Griffin.
2. Top Dog: I've got a V8 Mustang with a standard transmission.
Observer: That's a V6 Mustang with an automatic. You've got a friggin' secretary car, you Tyler Griffin!
3. Top Dog: Man, I fuckin' hate those goddamn rice burners. Fuckin' neon bullshit.
Casual observer: You've got blue underglow on your car, ass. You're such a Tyler Griffin!
4. Top Dog: Man, I just whooped your ricer ass with my V8 Mustang and it was in standard, too!
"Ricer": Tyler Griffin, you're a dumbfuck.