Ud Thief

What is Ud Thief?


An slangdefine contributor who openly steals the definiton of a word from an existing definition, then posts a new definition of the same word using slightly varied phrasing.

Can also be used to describe a person who mimics and submits a picture on UD by the same means - copying the ideas of others.

Check out the definition for internet explorer. The definition by supaDISC was the original and was deleted. Another one was started. supaDISC also submitted the first picture for that definition, and two morons thought it would be a brilliant idea to do it again, twice.


One who takes a word that another person has said and defines it on UD without the verbal/written consent of the person who said it first

A-Hole: Hey dude, I totally just put that word you said a couple days ago and put it on slangdefine!

Man: Why would you do that, you faggot?

A-Hole: Because im a stupid asshole.

Man: This is true. Youre Such a UD Thief.

See fag, retard, sachs, fucktard, andrew


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