What is Ud Thief?
An slangdefine contributor who openly steals the definiton of a word from an existing definition, then posts a new definition of the same word using slightly varied phrasing.
Can also be used to describe a person who mimics and submits a picture on UD by the same means - copying the ideas of others.
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internet explorer . The definition by supaDISC was the original and was deleted. Another one was started. supaDISC also submitted the first picture for that definition, and two morons thought it would be a brilliant idea to do it again, twice.
One who takes a word that another person has said and defines it on UD without the verbal/written consent of the person who said it first
A-Hole: Hey dude, I totally just put that word you said a couple days ago and put it on slangdefine!
Man: Why would you do that, you faggot?
A-Hole: Because im a stupid asshole.
Man: This is true. Youre Such a UD Thief.