Umbrella Corporation

What is Umbrella Corporation?


"Our business is life itself."

A fictional company in the Capcom "Resident Evil" saga. In the game, the company uses it's status as an enitity to protect (thus the term "umbrella") it's biological experiments of dubious moral and ethical bearing. Can be used as a term to describe any company which engages in similar practices of hiding behind a name or "corporate veil".

Enron was an umbrella corporation, executives used it's name to protect themselves from the law and to hide their actions of dubious moral bearings.


"Life is better under the Umbrella" Welcome to the leading name in technology and research. We have store, games review, forum, gallery, and much more.

UmbrellaCorporation, UmbrellaCorporation.TV, UmbrellaCorporation.US, UMBCorp, UMBWeb


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