What is Urbanism?
The Religion based on the Holy book of the Urban Dictionary
Religious followers take pride in saving sad delinquents of humanoids and giving them a spiritual insight into the world of Urban
Pilgrims often travel slangdefine to add definitions to a variety of objects while also confirming syndromes they thought no-one else had (such as Syndrome Syndrome, where Doctors can't stop making up syndromes and disorders to diagnose people with.
Sad delinquent of humanoids: i'm so sad
Urbanist: Hey, join Urbanism, we'll set you straight in no time!
Sad delinquent of humanoids: Wow, i didn't know anyone else had Dog syndrome... I'm a re-born Urbanist!
1. Any word found in the Urban Dictionary
2. A commonly used word not found in any conventional dictionary
exaples are: asshat, swass, and milf.
Antonym: websterism
1. He's throwing so many urbanisms around, I have no idea what he's saying.
2. Bagmo is my favorite urbanism.