
What is W.o.m?


An acronym for Women Over Men. It describes a man or boy who is heterosexual and but spends all his time with women and not his male friends.

Often a man can become a WOM because he has not had a girlfriend for a very long time. All of a sudden he gets one, and then spends ALL his time with her, instead of friends.

Man, he's the biggest WOM ever.

-Where is Jack today?

-Ah he's out womming it up with his

girlfriend Jess.


Abbreviation of the phrase "Women over mates". This basically means you would rather spend time with the missus rather than the lads. Other words derived from include Wommage, King WOM (The person who always WOMs off the most) Wommage Frais.

"Seb aint coming out tonight boys, he is being a WOM"

"Where is Seb?

Oh he WOMMED off earlier"

"Stop being a W.O.M"

See women, mates, lads, dick, seb


A person that will gladly sell out his friends in order to obtain some greater level of status with a female... even though he's got no chance of getting some.

Pigott - Man that guy's a WOM!


Abbreviation of the phrase "Women over mates". This basically means you would rather spend time with the missus rather than the lads. Other words derived from include Wommage, King WOM (The person who always WOMs off) Wommage Frais.

"Seb aint coming out tonight boys, he is being a WOM"

"Where is Seb?

Oh he WOMMED off earlier"

"Stop being a W.O.M"

See women, mates, lads, dick, seb


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