
What is W.o.t.?


Wide open throttle. Push your gas pedal to the floor or twist a grip fully too get W.O.T

Push the gas pedal down to the floor so you can get W.O.T.

See wide, open, throttle, pedal, to, the, metal


waste. of. titties.

used to describe girls who have GIGANTIC boobs, but a very unappealing face and the rest of her body. tend to be of the fatter side of the population.

"did you see that fat girl over there, she is such a w.o.t."

See titties, fat, waste, ugly, gigantic


WOT stand for "Wall of Text". A common feature of some online message boards and forums.

Somebody posts to a forum with a very long post that doesn't use any punctuation or paragraph seperators possibly with bad spelling and lack of coherancy to the point it feels as if you are getting lost in sea of letters stepping back you just see a huge block of text on your screen if it moved you'd think matrix but since it doesn't its just a wall and you refuse to read it citing wall of text or W.O.T.

See wall, text, forum, message, board


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