Yahoo! Answers

What is Yahoo! Answers?


A website by Yahoo. People from all over the world who have an account can ask and answer questions. They can be as ridiculous as "im i pregnant"? or "what language do they speck in china?". It has become quite popular which is probably because they give a points system.

Yahoo! Answers is actually a good site considering the majority of questions asked are pointless. Yes I have an account!

See website, international, questions, fun, useful


Yahoo! Answers is a question & answer website run by Yahoo! with a specific point system unique to the site.

There are 7 different levels which are used to guage a person's usage of the site. About a year ago they actually meant something but now once you're at level 5 on the site you're as far as you can go.

There have been countless complaints directed at Yahoo! Answers and Yahoo! Customer Care for "wrongful violations" in which case trolls, spammers or personal haters would use the user-abuse-reporting tool excessively in which most cases they were automatically processed resulting in Q&A being taken down and even entire deletion of Yahoo! accounts. My personal advice from use of the site: don't use Answers and have your primary email on the same Yahoo! ID, bad idea.

Oh well, I just got kicked off Yahoo! Answers for the 20th time today, I'll just go and open a new account since I'm not IP banned.

See yahoo!, question, answer, points, report, troll, trolls, violation, customer care, yat


Yahoo! Answers is a site wherein only politically correct questions and answers that don't offend even the easiest people to offend are allowed and where if you aren't a slave to their anal retentiveguidelines you are treated as an outcast and your account is eventually deleted.

The Yahoo! Answers staff need to pull their heads out of their butts because they delete questions and answers (and even accounts) without even paying much attention to whether they genuinely deserve to be deleted.

See anal retentive, jerks, vindictive, wankers, D-Shiznit


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