Yea And Behold,

What is Yea And Behold,?


First there was Limecat. Behold, he was mighty. And he did say "Meow" and life was created. Now humans did sin and Clock Spidershalt be borneth. Evil and Limecat did so fight. Limecat did tore off Clock Spiders appendage and flung it into the sun and thus it did became the gods of many religions. And Clock Spider did shalt try to strike Limecat on the lime. But behold, the lime of Limecat did was unbreakable. Yea, Limecat did swat ye Clock Spider and killed it.

Behold, Eternal Ferret did arose from ye Clock Spider's body. Limecat and Eternal Ferret did fight on thou video. Behold, the fight was great and Limecat did win.Then came LUEshi who smited Limecat before his time.

Behold, a carbon rod fell and the universe did collapse upon itself.

And the universe did say KABOOM!

See pseudonym


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