What is You Know What I Mean??


Phrase used by the inarticulate and dimwitted as a comma and to buy time and cover their lack of knowledge of a subject on which they have decided to speak and the resulting insecurity this engenders.

It is particularly irritating in sportspeople, presenters and commentators as they are paid way in excess of the average salary of their audience precisley to tell them what it is they mean. The unspoken assumption is that the audience are already well aware of the 'gem of wisdom' or 'fact' (or see cliche) imparted by the 'expert' and that there really is no need to pay him or her £5000 an episode to provide such insightless insights.

Well, burumble balarumbler schumacher clam clam diddly pitstop gloomer. Knowarramean?


A phrase people say when they're out of ideas when trying to persuade someone.

So basically I'm right and you're wrong. You know what I mean?

See Tym


To ask for confirmation of your audiences understanding, with the expectation that they will affirm what you are saying.

is gotta be dan innit nawwa ahmyean?


a communication tactic commonly used among close friends to clarifly that they are on the same wave length.

One friend to another: "I would go but I don't feel like being the third wheel, you know what I mean."


a phrase often appended to (generally teenaged) girls' run-on sentences, who are emptily seeking affirmation to what they just said. to you guys who are confronted with this situation, just smile and nod.

so, and she was like totally, mall, you know what i mean?


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