Youtube Whore

What is Youtube Whore?


A person who videotapes random shit all the time and puts it on youtube almost every day and always changes the tags of their videos to make them the same as the featured ones so that they can get more views because they don't have a life and want to have a virtual one

youtube whore: My video of me driving off a cliff has 2,523 views!

normal person: How many punches does your face have?

youtube whore: what?

*punches youtube whore in the face*

See youtube, whore, loser, nerd, gay


Youtube attention seekers that annoy others with their boring and too frequent personal video logs containing their personal views and other BS that nobody cares about.

In some counter annoying comment under a Youtube video: Hey cunt, you fuckin' Youtube whore.. + some extra applicable insults.

See annoying, boring


Someone who sits at the computer for long periods of time on Youtube, linking from video to video.

Generic Person: Ugh, stop being such a Youtube whore!

Youtube Whore: But I keep finding more videos to watch!

See youtube, whore, video, linking, computer, internet


a person making/posting videos about subjects no matter if it's ethically or morally right to do so (like make fun of other race, an accident or the deads) and thus seeking attention. the person would sell all their integrity for just a little fame on youtube.

a youtube whore is a famous youtuber blocking critics (even politly made onces) because they are addicted to the fame and won't give up any of it, even if they have to act immorally. maybe to call yt junkie, too.

See youtube, whoring, whore, fame, attention


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