
What is Yusufating?


Main Entry: yusuf·ate

Pronunciation: Yoo-suhf-At

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): -at'ed; -at·ing

Etymology: Hebrew/biblical Yusuf means "the Lord Increases"

1. (Of a man or boy) having traits, tastes, habits, etc., traditionally considered feminine, as softness or delicacy.

2. To make girly.

3. The Lord Increase femenine traits.

4. Characterized by excessive softness or weakness - Rarely used without reproach.

synonym see effeminate

antonym see ethanate

"Aww man, today I couldn't make one basket on the court, I cried at the end of The Notebook, and I ran out of tampons - it was completely yusufating!"

See effeminate, ethanate, gay, girly, weak


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