What is Z?


Z car. The Z car. The 300zx. The sports car Nissan / Datsun created to set standards among ALL sports cars. It came, it did, we love it.

240z, 260z, 280zx, 300zx, 350z


Letter often used by morons where S would be more appropriate. Sometimes denotes a plural, but may be included for no clear reason whatsoever. Tends to accompany aLtErNaTiNg cApZ and the substitution of letters with other ch4r4ct3r5. See also gay speak.

AiGhT PpL I g2g LaTeRZZZzz!!!!!!!11

See tara


An ounce of marijuana

Yeah, I got a whole Z of chronic, let's take a bake break.


A letter that was pretty awesome long ago, until that bastard X stole our pronunciation.

Should be: Zylophone, Zenophobia, Ezited

"Z is a pretty useless letter, but we love it anyways..."


1. The last letter in the English alphabet.

2. The dude who drives 90 on the local street and cares about his hair more than any other person.

3. When used in pairs or more, symbolizes sleep.


2. You see that? It was Z going 90 down the street.

3. Gonna go home and get me some zZz's.


Pronounced 'Zee'


1) No

Describes a negative response to a question.

A statement of disapproval.

Q: Do you want to go to the movies tonight?

A: 'Z'

See no, nothing, empty, negative, bad


The new way of saying "take me now".

SNIM: "xxox"

Holly: "z"

SNIM: ":o knew you wanted meh!"

See z, zee, zed


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