
What is Zionism?


An extremely racist belief that Jews deserve to take over the Palestinian's land with the backing of the U.S. military. Zionists use the history of persecution against Jews to rationalize this blatant breach of human rights, and then Israelis go on to murder thousands of Palestinians each year with the pretext that they have been attacked by terrorists. While it is true that some Palestinians attack Israelis, there are at least 4 fold more Palestinian than Israeli deaths each year.

Zionists are inherently racist.


Jewish equivalent of Nazism. A racist philosophy that believes only the Jewish race should inhabit the Holy Land and that all other races there - namely Arabs - should be killed or exiled. Zionism spawned terrorist states like Israel, responsible for the deaths of thousands of Palestinians every year.

Zionism is an extreme-right political ideology, like Nazism. Israel murders thousands of Palestinians but to be fair a lot of Palestinian groups like Black Septemberare very violent as well.

See nazism, hitler, israel, palestine, racism, kkk


The dictionary defines Zionism as "Jewish Nationalism." The dictionary defines Nazism as a form of "Race-based Nationalism." The fact of the matter is that the British subjugated the Palestinian people, basically kicked them out of their homes, gave up the land to the Israelis and expected everything to be happy. Believe it or not, the Palestinians simply don't like being replaced like that. Moreover, they didn't take too kindly to the overt Israeli suppression and violence against them beginning in 1949 with the Irgun Gang and all of that. In the late 1960s, the violence really crested with the Arab-Israeli War over what was essentially Israeli apartheid against the Palestinians. The end of that war led to Yassir Arafat, who, in 1971, made a historic speech to the UN General Assembly, thusly thrusting Palestinian plight onto the international stage for the first time ever really. Throughout the 1970s both sides trade atrocities, although Israel's violence is state violence, backed by the U.S., that is aimed directly at suppressing the Palestinian people, civilian, terrorist, or whatever. Then there was that whole episode in Lebanon in the 1980s, the 1982 Israeli massacre of roughly 3 thousand Palestinian refugees at Shatila and Sabra - presided over by then-Israeli General Ariel Sharon. In the early 1990s, things are looking pretty good with Oslo and the Peace Accords... Arafat and then-Israeli PM Yitzkah Rabin winning the Nobel Peace Prize, things seemed good. Then, in 1996, Israeli extremist assassinated Yitzkah Rabin, halting the peace process. Israeli forces killed a top bombmaker for Shiek Ahmed Yassin's Hamas, and Hamas retaliated with multiple bus bombs. I obviously don't condone this, but the fact is that the Israeli Government made it possible by doing two things: 1) By oppressing the Palestinians in the first place, creating a sense of loathing and 2) By keeping the P.L.O. in such a state of disrepair that they hadn't the power to keep Hamas under control. Then in 2000 there was the last long-shot at making things work with a dual-state. Arafat held out for more land and didn't get it. The Second Intifada began when Sharon visited a controversial Temple. In that Intifada, roughly 3 times more Palestinians have died than Israelis. More than 20,000 Palestinian homes have been razed. Israel has continued to build illegal settlements in Palestinian territory, further displacing the Palestinians. Note that the Palestinians are virtually cut off from all sources of fresh water. Consider the martial law that has been implemented in Palestinian territories in the last 5 years. The checkpoints. After wittnessing the way the state ran, South African Archbishop, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and champion of the anti-Apartheid campaign in South Africa Desmond Tutu said that Israel reminded him of the South African apartheid. Nelson Mandela said the same. Here's another great fun fact: the Israeli government was the largest arms trader with South Africa during the apartheid.

hope that puts zionism into perpective. zionism blows period.

See apartheid, war crime, oppression


A political ideology which believes critics of Israel to be anti-semitic, but dosen't think Christian Zionists who think Jeeeeeeeeeezus will come back and wipe out 2/3 of the Jews are anti-semitic.

Involves a lot of doublethink.

Pat Robertson is a supporter of Zionism.

See doublethink, jingoism, israel, pat robertson, zionist, Derek Zoolander


A completely legitimate independence movement, in which a historically oppressed nation of people (the Jews) demanded the right to self-determination in their eternal homeland of Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel). It is no less legitimate than the Tibetan or American independence movements. In fact, I would argue that modern Israel has more of a right to be under Jewish sovereignty, than California or Texas has to be under American sovereignty.

Despite what people may say, Zionism is not a dirty word.

See zionism, jews, israel, palestine, tibet


"An extremely racist belief that Jews deserve to take over the Palestinian's land with the backing of the U.S. military."

Except if you read history, which anti-Zionists enjoying ignoring and distorting to fit their beliefs, you would know that the land actually belongs to the Jews and they were kicked out by the Romans in 70 A.D. Not everything Muslims and corrupt organizations such as the United Nations say is necessarily true.

There has never been a Palestinian people. The name Palestine came from the Romans after the conquered Israel in 70. They wanted to end any association of the land with the Jews. The term "Palestine" came from the Philistines, one of the Jews' biggest enemies in their history. Note they were Aegean people and weren't even Semitic. What's the difference between Palestinians and their Arab brethren? Do the Palestinians have their own unique culture, cuisine, language and other things that separate them from other Arabs? This whole "Palestinian nationalism" is a recent invention by Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian.

I personally oppose having an alliance Israel, just like how I oppose having an alliance with anyone. But what most anti-Zionists don't know is that we actually give three times more aid to Israel's enemies. If we're going to end aid to Israel, we should end aid to the Arabs. I don't even know why we bother using our military on Israel since they have a better military than us.

"Zionists use the history of persecution against Jews to rationalize this blatant breach of human rights, and then Israelis go on to murder thousands of Palestinians each year with the pretext that they have been attacked by terrorists."

No, Zionists use the the history of the fact that the Jews historically owned that land and they were kicked out by the Romans. The difference between this and the Indians is that the Jews were literally exiled and the Indians weren't, not that I'm saying we should belittle what happened to the Indians.

Don't Muslims use their religion to rationalize why they hae their land? How come they get to have all that land that has a lot of oil, but Jews can't have a tiny sliver of land that has zero oil?

How can you charge Israel with human rights violations, but ignore what goes in places like Saudi Arabi? 20% of Israel's population are Muslims and they enjoy full rights and even have their own political parties and representation in government. But what about the Palestinians? They don't want to be Israelis and continue to show why by continuing to attack Israel after the Israelis withdrew from Gaza and even voted for Hamas, an organization even Amnesty International calls terrorist. These guys are really pushing for peace aren't they?

"While it is true that some Palestinians attack Israelis, there are at least 4 fold more Palestinian than Israeli deaths each year."

Probably because most of the Palestinians are terrorists.

Zionism is not inherently evil, you conspiracy theorist twats who only listen to propaganda and Alex Jones.

See 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


A national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. The movement was founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897. For much of history Jews were a people without a country and would remain politically powerless as long as they did not have a national home. They would be guests everywhere and at home nowhere, according to Zionist ideology. There is absolutely nothing "racist" about zionism, and this association has been falsely propogated by anti-semites over modern history.

1. Herzl devoted his life to the goal of creating a Jewish homeland in the state of Israel, he was noted to be the founder of Zionism.

2. Driven by the Holocaust and the near decimation of European Jewry, the Zionist movement strengthened as it became clear that the Jewish people needed their own homeland to be safe.

See zion, tsion, israel


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