
What is Zurich?


Largest Swiss city on the face of this planet.

Population is roughly 300,000 and has large foreign proportions (mostly Germans, Italian, American, British).

Average income's high and so is cost of living.

Beautiful lake, awesome climate. Nice women.

Terrific universities.

American dude: "Yo dawg. Where them Zurich at? Yo-diggy-dee-doo."

British dude: "Hello fella. The splendid city of Zurich is located by the Lake of Zurich and as you may notice lies in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Interestingly, Switzerland has four lingual divisions, i.e. parts where French, German, Italian and Romansk are sp..."

American dude: "Yo what the dillio is you's tellings me dawg. Shut them mouth of yourz f00. I's them big dawg you feggin Brit. Yo. Dillio. Apple Pie. SUV. Mc D's dawg."

Swiss dude: "I cho es huara geile Poppeshaerli."

German dude: "What? I didn't get that. Speak German f00."

See switzerland, swiss, german, europe, eu, european, mountains, lake, city


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