
What is Akirr?



1. Of our relating to the penis.

2. Omnipotent demigod of mortals.

3. Keeper of the Octagon.

4. The most suave man you know.


1. Massive amounts of sex with supermodels:

2. Taking a shit in your pants.

3. Brief memory lapses caused by drugs.

4. To receive a high dosage of novacaine in your face.


1. Relating to Penis Size.

2. Relating to Penis Girth.

3. Relating to the insertion of the penis.

4. Used to help describe any situation.

"I akirred that girl good."

"So I was shooting hoops with my penis friends, then BAM penis dunk. Yeah penis."

See lawlerskates, roflcopter, huge, octagon, Hot Pockets


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