
What is Anti-semitism?


The discrimination and degrading treatment towards the Jewish people.

WWII, NAZI Germany, Adolf Hitler formed and anti-semitic movement against the Jews.

See Livvy


1. Theoretically, prejudice against Semitic peoples (these include, among others, ethnic Jews and Arabs), cultures, etc.

2. A historically important form of racism massively present in Russia, Europe and the United States until around the time of the Second World War, and to this day in many parts of the Middle East, among other places.

3. (also "the new anti-Semitism") The refusal to give unconditional support to Israel, or more broadly, to components of American imperialism generally.

1. This definition of "anti-Semitism" is never used, despite the fact that in the modern West racism is far more prevalent and important against Arabs than is racism against Jews, which is in most cases extremely marginal.

2. This anti-Semitism is intimately tied with many of the worst crimes in human history.

3. This is not anti-Semitism

See jew, racism, holocaust, hitler, pogrom, zionism


Hostility or prejudice towards people of the Jewish faith.

Bobby Claims he is an Anti-zionist rather than an anti-semite. Yet Bobby but has nothing positive ever to say about Jewish matters. He is likely an anti-semite.


Hating the stupid jews and everything they do.

The kids that are talking shit to that jew probably believe in anti-semitism.

See jew, hitler, holocaust, nazi


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