
What is Caco?


A caco is pretty much the Puerto Ricancousin of the British townie/chav or the North American wanksta/ wigger.

Their name comes from the greek "cacos" meaning "bad" or "low quality"(Example: cacophony) and was a term in used in Spain referring to a low-life. The female counterpart is called "caca" humorously enough.

Cacos listen to reggaetonin the same way that wankstaslisten to gangsta rap and chavs listen to garage but they will also listen to anything resembling the sound(i.e. no talent music about gangs,hos and tha ghetto).

Caco fashion generally consists of mostly athletic clothes of known brands or anything that makes them look like they're rich(which is hypocritical considering their inverse snobghetto behavior).

Males: brightly colored basketball jerseys wife beaters or long white T-shirts, baggy denim shorts, expensive reebokor nikesneakers(usually white) or wheat colored Timberland or Lugzboots and a white or 2 toned baseball cap. When cacos want to dress fine on a night out, they will wear imitation designer jeans, horizontal striped polo shirts and a pair of pointy tan colored shoes( puerto rican fence hoppers). Preferred hairstyles are usually crew cuts which makes them looks like clones of each other or corn rows. And of course no "self respecting" caco would be complete without a shit-load of gold jewelry mainly thick heavy gold chains with a huge medallion or cross, heavy gold rings and of course an imitation "blinged out" diamond earrings.

Females: Are J-Lo wannabes so they will fashion themselves after her gaining a look that makes them look like cheap ghetto whores. Generallly they will wear tight "booty" jeans showing they're panties or tight trackpants or with a shiny writing on the ass or a slutty bright colored miniskirt, tight brightly colored tops with cheap floral designs or shiny letterings on them and high-heeled shoes or sandals. Like their male counterparts they will also sport a fairly large amount of bling.

Cacos are extremely fond of riced-outjap cars. Their choice rides are usually Mitsubishi Mirage Technicas or Honnda Civics which they will trick-out with fart exhausts, body kits, chrome rims, tacky stickers and of course a bass sound system to blast their infernal reggaetonmusic to innocent citizens trying to get a good night's sleep. They also like to ride ATVs, pocket bikes or mopeds with radios instaled.

Cacos do not get along with "roqueros"( rockers) because they stereotype them as devil-worshippers. Despite the fact that they go to church cacos break all 10 commandments(stealing, murdering,adultery and of course gay prison sex) whenever they can so their hatred towards roqueros is hypocritical.

In short cacos are annoying scum and give Puerto Ricans a bad name.

Un jodio caco me robo el carro anoche.

Daddy Yankee,Don Omar and Winsin&Yandel are poster boys for the caco subculture.


A person who has no self respect, originality, and/or taste for music. Cacos listen to reggaeton at full volume so they seem cool in front of their peers. They also have a tendency to idolatrize cars, women, and money above everything else because they of their obvious superficiality and lack of intelectual capacity. Cacos use plenty of foul language, slang, and will laugh and/or comment on the mention of words like "stick", "balls", and "hole", turning any decent conversation into ridiculous sex talk.

My caco bastard neighbor listens to reggaeton at full volume when I'm trying to sleep, so I turn my speakers all the way up and fight back with hours of loud punk rock.


A person who has no self respect, originality, and/or taste for music. Cacos listen to reggaeton at full volume so they seem cool in front of their peers. They also have a tendency to idolatrize cars, women, and money above everything else because they of their obvious superficiality and lack of intelectual capacity. Cacos use plenty of foul language, slang, and will laugh and/or comment on the mention of words like "stick", "balls", and "hole", turning any decent conversation into ridiculous sex talk.

My caco bastard neighbor listens to reggaeton at full volume when I'm trying to sleep, so I turn my speakers all the way up and fight back with hours of loud punk rock.


A noun.

Said "kah-koh".

Abbreviation of the words Carroll County.

Person 1: Where are you from?

Person 2: CaCo, bitch!

See git er done, git r done


Also known as "cabeza". This word is used to describe a persons head. usually when there is abnormality involved.

Ese tipo tiene un caco-e-burro


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