
What is Crayolians?


a group of 6, fondly known as "those girls". they are 6 girls from 2 different classes (a bit like romeo and juliet, only there are three from each family...?) they have fun and mishaps and should star in their own comic of adventures.

they are also "carers" of klixee (also known as clicsi, clicksy) who follows the six around the schoolyard, slowing them down on their way to saving the world and getting a decent meal.

there are six colours in the crayolians club, fondly known as "the crayola club"

blue, pink, red, orange, green and yellow.

no matter what anyone tells you, aquamarine is NOT a member (are you klixee?)

klixee - "i'm aquamarine!"

crayolians - "no klixee, you are NOT"

pink - "quick, the klixee is coming! run and jog children!"

blue - "sign up for the annual crayola club trip!"

and they generally just sit beneath the tree and have a laugh (when they are not hugging it or running from klixee)


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