
What is Danked?


To keep a forum post on the top of the list by using alternate accounts to post replies to your original post.


Danks - Level 14 Troll Mage

Wow I like the honor system and the huge battles. Just increase the Horde guards levels a bit and this game will be about perfect!!!


Danks - Level 14 Troll Mage

Yes I agree. PVP action is key.


1. To expose yourself as a moron while trying to do exactly the opposite.

2. To blindly agree, as if you're the original author.

From the WoWforums, a character named Danks posted on the controversial new Honor System in pvp, "Good Job Blizzard!!! Honor System rocks!!! Wow I like the honor system and the huge battles."

There was an immediate reply of "Yes I agree. PVP action is key."

However, the 2nd post was also posted by Danks. He forgot to relog to an alt.

Person 1: "Where can I buy a good computer?"

Person 1: "Try Person 1's computer store!"

Person 2: Why are you answering your own post? /danked


To get caught keeping up interest in a thread by replying to your original post, with intention of using an alternative identity or account, but forgetting to log out of the original account, thus replying to your own post, but writing seemingly as a different person.

So named after the user Danks on a World of Warcraft discussion forum, in which the user replied to their own original post, but as a different person.


Danks - Level 14 Troll Mage

Wow I like the honor system and the huge battles. Just increase the Horde guards levels a bit and this game will be about perfect!!!


Danks - Level 14 Troll Mage

Yes I agree. PVP action is key.


To pwn oneself in an effort to make a point. The result of which is usually an asshat.

This noob danked himself when he didn't change chars to make that post.

See HF


To rob or get robbed.

1. "Shit! Someone Danked my bike!"

2. "hells yea my dude, we was at the store and danked madd shit! we aint get caught or nuthin."

See rob, steal, take, dank, thief, me


danked doesn't mean drunk you moron, it means your hella stoned, and your pretty much at your point, from some dank weed.

fuck you saul duarte, i'm fucking danked!!!


v.t.- from dank, to make up a definition of something on a website to get attention.

Johnny did someting stupid on a website's forum so his name got danked.


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