
What is Fantabulicious?


main entry: fan·ta·bu·li·cious

pronunciation: fan-ta-byu-li-shus

an adjective composed of 3 major adjectives derived from 14th-15th century, including: FANTAstic, faBULous, delICIOUS. this heavily compounded word is a grotesque exaggeration usually associated to compliment anything high quality or incredibly pleasurable in any way shape or form, that our natural senses would find applicable.

"whoa dude, that babe is fantabulicious!"

"thats a fantabulicious ride!"

"the colors of the sky are really fantabulicious right now!"

"i had the most fantabulicious dream last night!"

"these dough-nuts are fantabulicious!"

See fantabulicious, fantastic, fabulous, delicious, fantastical, grotesque, incredible, astonishing, wonderful, marvelous, imaginary, fantasy, delightful, conspiracy, compliment, pleasure, good, kosher, acceptable, quality


the only word good enough to even approach describing the most amazing, beautiful, sexy, funny, interesting, kind, caring, passionate, handsome, incredible person in the whole world, Russell

I am the luckiest girl in the world to have found someone so fantabulicious.

See fabulous, incredible, unbelievable, russell


A really long version of fabulous that is mostly used for expressing yourself while impressing or making others laugh. You could also make it used as a mix as delicious and fabulous for food, or anything else. Bubbly girls usually say this word, but sometimes emo kids say it too, just to be funny. It is also a mix of fantastic, so you could say it if you aced a test.

"Oh my gosh, that is so fantabulicious!"

"Fan tab u licious."

"Well now, isn't that fantabulicious?"

"Fan freakin tabulicious, I got an A!"

See fabulous, delicious, fantastic, great, awesome


An adjective used to describe something that is amazing, or has a high level of phattasticness.

MMM, granny, this pasta is fantabulicious

See awesome, rad, neeto, phattasticness, groovy


the only word good enough to even approach describing the most amazing, beautiful, sexy, funny, interesting, kind, caring, passionate, handsome, incredible person in the whole world, Russell

I am the luckiest girl in the world to have found the most fantabulicious person I could ever hope for.

See fabulous, incredible, unbelievable, russell


the only word good enough to even approach describing the most amazing, beautiful, sexy, funny, interesting, kind, caring, passionate, handsome, incredible person in the whole world, Russell

Russell is the most fantabulicious person in the whole world and I am the luckiest girl in the world to be with him.

See amazing, fantabulous, wonderful, perfect, Sam


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