
What is Guv?


1. also known as g-13 (government thirteen),supposedly the strongest strain of weed

2. weed, usually chronic, mixed with heroin

The guy was asked what it was. I told him it was guv and he believed me.

See g-13, g13, gove


Acronym for Ghetto Utility Vehicle.

Years ago when gas prices went up everybody stopped buying the big Buicks and such, opting instead for smaller cars, with the larger cars then going to poorer neighborhoods occupied by people with shorter drives and/or less up front buying power. Now the same seems to be happening with SUVs, leading to the name GUVs, or Ghetto Utility Vehicles.

I see that Tammy is still driving that GUV. It must be costing her a fortune in gas!

See suv, guv, ghetto, getto


A sexy male heterosexual stud gifted with a giant lund. Usually surrounded by dozens of buff women begging to get laid.

Opposite of palm.

Holy Shit! Look at the size of that thing!!


Refers to a well known binga who lives in Handsworth, Birmingham, UK.

Approach with caution as he is well known to bum at will. Keep your backs to the wall!

Who shagged the frozen chicken?


See guv


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