
What is Hasshole?


When David Hasselhoff acts like a complete asshole.

Fan: OMG! It's David Hasselhoff! Can I have your autograph?

David Hasselhoff: Fuck off!

Fan: Jeez, someone's being a hasshole.

See asshole, david hasselhoff, prick, douche bag, douche


David Hasselhoff's asshole.

"What IS that, man?"

"Why is it so hairy?"

"That's a hasshole. Don't touch it."

See david hasselhoff, david, asshole, butterfly, numbskull, baywatch, butthole, hairy, filthy, ugly


a person or task requiring an unjustified amount of work and attention. Usually in the work place when referring to a client, co-worker or boss.

When used in conversation, the word stealthily sounds like hassle.

Co-worker: My boss just made me pull all the client files from last year and re-file them in chronological order rather than alphabetical.

Me: What a hasshole.

Co-Worker: Yeah, tell me about it...wait, what?

Me: Don't worry about it. Can you get me the Alvarez file from last year?

See asshole, hassle, bag of dicks, chupacabra


Huge asshole, someone who is a much bigger asshole than an average asshole (like your boss).

President George W. Bush is an hasshole

See fucka, mofo, backstabber, fucker


1.) a black dude living somewhere in Maryland that again, doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

My cousin will kill any hassholes in her sight. YES, that means you Hasshole.

See Queen Bitch


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