What is Leboner?
The tingly feeling you get when LeBron James is racking up triple-doubles, scoring 50 points a game, dunking over your biggest guy, and pretty much making everyone else in the NBA look like amateurs.
-Little Billy was watching Sportscenter one night when Cavs highlights came on. He immediately got a LeBoner and went to his room.
See boner , the chosen one
The extreme desire that Cleveland fans (aka Sports Whores) get when Lebron James has a decent regular season game.
The LeBoneheads got a LeBoner when Lebron James hit his second free throw after air balling the first.
See lebron , james , boner , looser , nba , basketball
-Little Billy was watching Sportscenter one night when Cavs highlights came on. He immediately got a LeBoner and went to his room.
The LeBoneheads got a LeBoner when Lebron James hit his second free throw after air balling the first.