What is Manitowoc?
A town in Northeast Wisconsin where the unemployment rate sores, many stoners are very unhappy because they can not find weed unless they go to Milwaukee (see Milwaukee in Urban Dictionary) and gangsters, hicks, jocks, preps, stoners, and bad asses are the clicks. Most do not talk to each other.
Oh yes I forgot to mention, we can drink like the rest of Wisconsin, we do it all the time. When i say all of the time I don't mean every weekend, I mean everyday.
My graduation service ended at 2 on Friday the sixth 2008 in Manitowoc at Lincoln High School. I took off my tux, cracked open a beer, drove over to my friends house while drinking it. I was wasted by 5'o'clock. I stayed drunk until the proceeding Thursday...literally
City on Lake Michigan in Northeast Wisconsin. A stagnant, mostly unemployed population of lazy losers, winos, and chronic addicts.
"Dude is so Manitowoc that he thinks success is when your unemployment checks will carry you through ice fishing season."