What is Metal Elitist?
A person who believes their metal music is superior to other people's music. These people only listen to metal music and categorize metal through sub-genres. Some metal elitists are so wound up, that they tend to only listen to one type of metal sub-genre. Metal Elitists are usually found listening to underground metal bands and cut down other people's musical taste if it is not up to par with their own.
"Dude that guy was an asshole. He completely cut down my music and told me that I was wrong for listening to the music that I do, saying it wasn't "real" metal and then he went on to call me a hot topic mallcore." - Person A
"Yeah dude, that's a Metal Elitist for ya" - Person B
A rude metalhead who tells people they "aren't a real metalhead" or a calls them a "poser" because they dont like/listen that particular sub-gerne of metal. They put others down for their musical taste or if they don't like the same bands as them, they think they know what "real metal" is.
Typical Metal Elitist : Hahahaha i'm such a badass metalhead! i know all there is to know about everything all your shitty music can never stand up to my music, since i'm the only 'true metalhead' on the face of the earth. Ha! Beat that posers! hahaha!