Miles Prower

What is Miles Prower?


Miles Prower, more commonly known as Tails, is a character in the game Sonic the Hedgehog, and made his first appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, in the early 90's. His name is a pun of "Miles Per Hour", when said quickly. He is 8 years old, is a little shy of 3 feet tall, and weighs approx. 45 pounds. He never knew his parents, a weakness that has been used against him and is the reason for his shyness.

I love Miles Prower. My favorite char, as I'm sure you can tell. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG IS THE R0XX0RZ!1!one!1!eleven!1!11!

See sonic the hedgehog, sonic, sega, genesis, knuckles


A charector in the Sonic series, see Miles "Tails" Prower.

"Hi! My name is Miles Prower, but most people call me Tails."


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