
What is Pukealicious?


noun: and extremely nauseaous state of being

adjective: anything that makes a person sick, faint or close to vomiting

noun: After seeing that slasher movie, alyssa felt exceedingly pukealicious.

adjective: Did you see the pukealicious dress she's wearing?? I think I need some air.

See puke, vomit, barf, sick, pukalicious, disgusting


An adjective describing something as being very disgusting and sickening or worthy of one vomiting over it.

Woah, that roadkill over there sure is pukealicious.

See M.R.


noun: and extremely nauseaous state of being

adjective: anything that makes a person sick, faint or close to vomiting

noun: After seeing that slasher movie, alyssa felt exceedingly pukealicious.

adjective: Did you see the pukealicious dress she's wearing?? I think I need some air.

See puke, vomit, barf, sick, pukalicious, disgusting


An adjective describing something as being very disgusting and sickening or worthy of one vomiting over it.

Woah, that roadkill over there sure is pukealicious.

See M.R.


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