
What is Punkette?


An oxymoron. The word "punkette" flatly contradicts the principles of punk. punk is punk, male or female.

punkette, punk princess, its all the same


The female form of a punk....one who enjos punk music and lives the intentionally offensvie lifestyle of a punk.

coulda been, shoulda been, woulda been different, cuz I know now what I never knew then


Any female friend - to be used in replacement of 'mate', 'homie', or the person's actual name.

"Hey, punkette, what's up?"


An oxymoron. The word "punkette" flatly contradicts the principles of punk. punk is punk, male or female.

punkette, punk princess, its all the same


The female form of a punk....one who enjos punk music and lives the intentionally offensvie lifestyle of a punk.

coulda been, shoulda been, woulda been different, cuz I know now what I never knew then


Any female friend - to be used in replacement of 'mate', 'homie', or the person's actual name.

"Hey, punkette, what's up?"


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