Rofl Owned

What is Rofl Owned?


1. Something you say to someone after you beat their ass.

2. A phrase that occasionally appears in the Comedy Goldmine and Photoshop Phriday segments at Something Awful.

This phrase is usually typed in all capital letters.

warcraftMASTER: wtf how did u kill all my crypt fiends!?

l33td00d~187~: ROFL OWNED


In first person shooters; The act of bragging about killing your opponent only to get owned by another person while you're not paying attention.

Haxors: "Dude, I just totally pwned that Noob!"

*M16 Rocket soars through air*



Normal Gamer:"rofl owned!"

Haxors: "UGH, stupid fag Noob Tubers!"

See noob tube, own, pwn, pwned


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