Shotgun Wedding

What is Shotgun Wedding?


where one or both parties are forced into marriage due to an unplaned pregnancy

looks like its a shotgun wedding for those two


A wedding that is forced into existence because of pregnancy.

A shotgun wedding: Chad Michael Murray and his new screwtoy, 18-year old Kenzie Dalton.

See knocked-up, preggers, pedophile, jackhole


Where the parents of one or both people of a couple force them to marry due to pregnancy of the female part of the couple.

I was forced to have a shotgun wedding with your mom


A case of wife or death.

Billy Joe knocked upDaisy Sue and so now they're gonnahave a shotgun wedding.


A marriage that is forced upon a couple usually by the parents of the bride due to either an unplanned pregnancy or pre-marital relations.

Sarah Palin publicly announced her daughter's shotgun wedding in September 2008.

See knocked-up, marriage, wedding, forced, unwanted


A term for a forced marriage after an unexpected pregnancy.

Originating from when the father of the pregnant girl would force the baby's daddy to marry his daughter at gunpoint. This gun was most likely a shotgun as many fathers in the United States were hunters.

Bill knocked upSuzie and now they're having a shotgun wedding

See knocked up, preggers, wedding, forced, father


(Idiom) where extenuating circumstances mean that for either honour or pressure from a family.

The source of this is a wedding where a man was forced to marry a woman he impregnated. Her father held a shotgun to him at all times.

See Kung-Fu Jesus


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