Shower Shock

What is Shower Shock?


"Shower Shock" normally happens on chilly winter mornings. "Shower Shock" is when your shower, showers extreme hot or extreme cold water, intermittently, there by making you cry out 'UuUhh..' when hot water burns you and then cry out 'AHhhh' when cold water pierces you. If this showering sequence, happens 4 times or more in 42 seconds, then one is under "Shower Shock". Essentially it is a protest tactics deployed by intelligent under/over used showers on the showeree which could potentially lead to hyper activity

Dude! I was shower shocked this morning, i guess i should just have a decaf without sugar. Caffeine, on top of Shower Shock, is going to make me Hyper Hyper Active!!!

See hyper, shell shocked, lethargic


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