Snuff Movie

What is Snuff Movie?


A big budget film production involving no cast members at all because they are imaginary. The onus is on the movie watcher to pretend that there are actors.

The term is coined from the character 'Snuffalupagus' from Sesame Street, the imaginary friend of 'Big Bird'

They are most popular with a schizophrenic audience.

Big Bird was watching a snuff movie in the Psychiatric Ward while dosed up on Risperidone.

See psycho, schizophrenic, schizophrenia, snuffalupagus, snuff


popular genre of cinematic treat, often purveyed in holland and especially amshterdam, which cheifly involves the actual killing of the sad film's prontagonists, ususally in a sadistic and pervertedly sexual. I love it me.



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