What is Sorry, Blame It On Me?


A popular song by the R&B artist Akon. The song was released in response to the criticisms directed at him after an incident at a night club (club zen) in Trinidad and Tobago, where he dry humped an underage girl.

The song was popularized with catchy tunes and nice beats, despite the ridiculously contradictory lyrics.

In the song, he repeatedly says that "even though the blames is on you, i'll take that blame from you" and numerous variations of "i'll take the blame" or "blame it on me". However, by creating this song, he is trying to redirect the blame away from himself, especially since he mentions all the people involved:"She's just a little young girl trying to have fun, but daddy should've never let her out that young, I'm sorry for club zen getting shut down, i hope they manage better next time around, how was i to know she was underage, in a 21 and older club they say, why doesn't anybody want to take blame, verizon backed out disgracing my name"

Sorry, Blame it on me:

She's just a little young girl trying to have fun

But daddy should of never let her out that young

I'm sorry for Club Zen getting shut down

I hope they manage better next time around

How was I to know she was underage

In a 21 and older club they say

Why doesn't anybody want to take blame

Verizon backed out disgracing my name

I'm just a singer trying to entertain

Because I love my fans I'll take that blame

See akon, r&b, club, trinidad, dry hump, song, verizon, sorry, blame, lyrics


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