
What is Testosterstoned?


A derisive word to describe an otherwise normale male (or possibly female) whose life is preoccupied by the hormone "testosterone". Most often a young person. Usually aggressive, egotistical, and though not necessarily unintelligent, certainly simple minded.

Hence: testosterstoned, A la "stoned."

Akin to " jock", closer to "musclehead"

You are an older guy and you happen to run into an old high school girlfriend that you never treated well. You were a naturally talented athlete and so you blame it on the hormones:

You: "Julie, I'm sorry I was always such a dick to you in high school. You know I didn't mean some of those things. Hell, I was testosterstoned from sophomore year until half way through college."

See jock, musclehead, meathead, cretin, manchild, ogre, self-centered, horndog


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