
What is Transformer?


A rotbot in disguise, more than meets the eye.

Optemus prime , the transformer is kickass. Im so sad, im 25.

See robot, optimus prime, hotrod


Transformers are a toyline started by Hasbro in 1984, which was based off the Diaclone line that originated in Japan. It spawned a TV series, and a comic book, and is pretty much the most ultimate of badassery ever made. It is still popular today.

Holy shit, look at this sweet new Transformer!


a girl that looks great from a distance, but is hideous when she gets up close.


1. an adulterated ecstasypill that has an autobot stamp

i got some transformers.....

See mdma, x, xtc, thizz, roll, rolls, rolling, adam, beans, e, x-ing, pill, ex, thizzed


(n) An act carried out by a male by tucking his penis and testicles between his legs giving the appearance of a woman then quickly opening his legs, letting them swing back into position in a shocking display of manliness.

Oh god, not the transformer!

See Suzi


A transformer is an electronic device generally containing two copper wires coiled around an iron core.

There are many types of transformers with different sorts of uses.

Some transformers are used for isolating components such as a microphone from the amplifier so that if you plug in the wrong thing, it may prevent damage. This also filters out DC current.

Others such as the kind you see on a powerline or inside a TV change the Current/Voltage Ratio and is read like this for example: 1:2,1:30,1:4...ect.

This device works by transfering energy from one coil of wire to the other via a magnetic field.

A flow of electricity is made in the oppisite wire when the field generated by the other coil expands or contracts.

Note that only AC current can travel through a transformer, that, or a DC current being switched on and off.

Transformers are widely used in all sorts of electronics.

See transformer, coil, magnetic, field, wire


Luxery whip hardtop convertable that top folds into the trunk looking like it's gonna transform into an autobot or decepticon.


I hopped in my european car and drive

I pulled up and transfromed like optimus prime!!!!

See spaceship, whip, scraper, box, euro


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