What is Turtle Head Poking Out?


To have an extreme urge to defecate, so much so that feces may already be spreading the anus and attempting to escape.

Hold up man, I need to visit the crapper, I've got a turtle head poking out.

See Tommy


Turtle head poking out can mean two things:

1) To have an extreme urge to defecate, so much so that the feces is already spreading the anus and a portion of it is beginning to stick out. So called because it resembles a turtle poking its head out of its shell.

2) The portion of a long log of shit that protrudes above the water in a toilet. Since it is above the water, it can be smelled. So called because it resembles a turtle poking its head out of the water.

1) May I use your bathroom? It's urgent, I have a turtle head poking out.

2) You may not want to go into the washroom for a while: I just had a crap and there was a turtle head poking out; the smell is awful.

See defecate, feces, crap, shit, poo, poop, turtle head, toilet, toilet humor, rude, shitter, crapper


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