Vag Tease

What is Vag Tease?


a guy or girl who enjoys teasing a female by promising sexual acts, talking about sexual acts, touching on the vag or simply licking their lips like ll cool j does and looking down at their pussy - but never following through.

"oh yeah. i invited that dude to my house the other night but after i undressed he said he wasn't ready for sex. what a fucking vag tease"

"i was at the lesbian bar and this girl was grinding against my pussy and when i asked her for her number, she told me she was straight. that girl is straight alright. a straight up vag tease"

See vag, tease, lesbian, pussy


A girl that is hot but really isnt puttin out.

''That girl is soo hot''

''Dont even try shes a total vag tease''.

See prude, bitchy, vag tease, vagina, vag, bitch, fucking bitch, dry balls


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