dropping anchor at poo baydropping applesdropping assdropping b'sdropping ballsdropping bobby and whitney off at re-habdropping bombsdropping bouldersdropping browniesdropping bunniesdropping catsdropping cerealdropping chinchillasdropping chunksdropping ddropping d'sdropping dimesdropping dirtiesdropping doxdropping e
dropping eavesdropping engine parts off at the shopdropping faster than bill clinton's pantsdropping gamedropping hairpinsdropping hamiltonsdropping heatdropping it like its hotdropping keysdropping lettucedropping like fliesdropping loadsdropping marblesdropping meatdropping off mollydropping off the cosby kidsdropping off the cosby'sdropping off the cosbysdropping off the huxtablesdropping off the kids
dropping off the kids at the pooldropping packetsdropping paperdropping platesdropping raindropping rootsdropping sciencedropping some friends off at the pooldropping the atomic bombdropping the bombsdropping the chalupadropping the cosby kids off at the beachdropping the cosby kids off at the pooldropping the cosby's by the pooldropping the cosbys at the pooldropping the duecedropping the f-bombdropping the fat kids off at the pooldropping the glovesdropping the groceries