out of sightout of sight out of mindout of stepout of stinctout of stomach experienceout of straightout of syncout of the ashes and into the fireout of the bandout of the basementout of the blueout of the blue and into the blackout of the boatout of the boxout of the butt and into the fuckout of the butt, and into the fuck.out of the closetout of the closet pooperout of the cupboardout of the doobies
out of the frying pan and into the fireout of the gameout of the gutterout of the holeout of the houseout of the hpdout of the loopout of the mouths of babesout of the questionout of the raceout of the randomout of the teddy bear clubout of the turnout of thereout of touchout of townout of town ruleout of wedlockout of whackout of your cotton-picking mind