puttin' outputtin' sauce on itputtin' the blimp in the hangarputtin' the smack down!puttingputting a call outputting a sock in itputting english onputting english on the ballputting for eagleputting from the roughputting in an applicationputting in some insulationputting in the roughputting in the spadeworkputting it in her buttputting it in his buttputting it in the pocketputting lipstick on a donkeyputting lipstick on a pig
putting my brisket in her basketputting on a raincoatputting on an orange coatputting on batteriesputting on my joker faceputting on the hitsputting on the jacketputting on the ritzputting one through herputting outputting out the pussputting out the vibeputting someone overputting something hot up in that assputting the band back togetherputting the dog in the bathputting the kids to bedputting the lotion in the basketputting the pineapples awayputting the turban on the sheik