fuck the 5.0fuck the bankfuck the bedfuck the biscuitfuck the breadfuck the bugfuck the bull shitfuck the bullshitfuck the catfuck the cheesecakefuck the damn shitfuck the dealerfuck the dogfuck the dome shitfuck the dumb shitfuck the free worldfuck the fuckersfuck the fucking fuckersfuck the giraffefuck the goat
fuck the goat!fuck the governmentfuck the göngsfuck the heckfuck the hell outta youfuck the hell yeahfuck the industryfuck the irishfuck the kennelfuck the lordfuck the mashed potatoesfuck the mulefuck the napkinfuck the nightfuck the pain awayfuck the policefuck the puppyfuck the railwayfuck the recessionfuck the sheets
fuck the shitfuck the shit out offuck the shovelfuck the shut upfuck the slut out of herfuck the suckfuck the systemfuck the titansfuck the tribefuck the wallfuck the whatfuck the what?fuck the white bitchfuck the whole bitchfuck the windowsfuck the worldfuck the woundfuck thisfuck this computerfuck this for a game of soldiers