i facebooked your momi facebooked your mumi fart in your general direction!i feed off thati feel all spoilti feel like a hoboi feel like a moviei feel like chicken tonighti feel like dyingi feel like shiti feel prettyi feel sicki feel youi feeyabroi fell down some stairsi felt watermelonsi felta thii fiend cacki fisted your motheri fk
i gave 5 bucksi gave my word to stop at thirdi gemma youi get iti get it, french classi get moneyi get my kicks above the waistline, sunshinei get where you're goingi give you good timei gkill yai glove youi go dumb in my backpacki go for minei godi got 3 stacksi got 5 on iti got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbelli got a guyi got a hat oni got a new cat