i did it for the lolzi did it for the lulzi did it for the lulz.i did not have sexual relations with that womani did your momi didn't do iti didn't know you were emoi didn't make iti didn't vote for bushi didn't wrap my presenti dig deep.i dinnoi disown jooi divenari doi do apologizei do girls and black guysi do it for allahi do it!i do what i can
i do what i waunti don't believe it!i don't bizzi don't businessi don't carei don't care beari don't care if you fuck chickensi don't curi don't doi don't do that shiti don't even caare!i don't even curri don't even knowi don't even know what that meansi don't fuck aroundi don't get it.i don't givei don't give a damni don't give a damn for the whole state of michigani don't give a fah
i don't give a fucki don't give a fuck gi don't give a fuck homesi don't give a fuck virusi don't give a rats.i don't give a ruffi don't give a shiti don't give a shit!!! shit!!! shit!!!i don't give half a fucki don't give two and a half shitsi don't knowi don't know about all thati don't know but…i don't know if i need a shit or a haircuti don't know whati don't know your lifei don't know, huni don't know, u?i don't label myselfi don't like mondays